Considerations For Jewellery Repair
Great jewellery is not only nice to have to wear for a special occasion, but it is also an investment that you will want to take good care of. Jewellery of all kinds can make for a wonderful gift and a beautiful way to hallmark special

occasions or life events. When you find that you have pieces of jewellery that are in need of repair services, there are several things that you may want to take into consideration. Bringing your items in for repair will mean that you need to trust your repair professional so that you know you are in for a decent outcome.
Each piece of jewellery that you have is going to come along with its own set of demands and even a suggested schedule for cleaning. This cleaning schedule will often be based on how often you wear the piece as well as the type of metal or the gems that it is made of. For example, if you only wear a pair of pearl earrings around the holidays and you store it in a pouch for the rest of the year, you may not have to bring it in for yearly cleaning and repair. If you wear a piece more often, you are always opening yourself up to regular wear and tear that will call for a cleaning and for the piece to be looked over by a jewellery repair professional.
Whenever you have an item that is starting to break down or there is a portion that needs repair, going into a professional is going to be your best option. The professionals know how to care for all different types of jewellery and you are going to have the ability to get the care that your jewellery deserves. In the unfortunate event that you bring your jewellery items to the wrong person for repairs, you could end up finding that the piece could end up further damage. In an extreme case, you may not even get the item back with the original gemstones.
Whenever possible, bring along the certificate or dossier that came with your jewellery item at the time of purchase. This can be important information that will help the repair technician as they will have all of the details regarding the piece that they have to work on. Additionally, you may want to check to see if the repair department that you are working with takes photographs of the items that are being dropped off for repairs. While this simple step may seem frivolous, you should know that it is a good safety measure to help safeguard the items from potentially being mismatched.
Talk with your Auckland Jewellery repair service to see what can be done to clean your jewellery and evaluate the piece for any damage or potential for damage due to the way that it is being worn. Any quality jewellery repair professional will inform you if there are bent prongs, loose settings, scratches or anything else present that should be addressed to keep your jewellery in excellent condition.
For more details contact Orsini Fine Jewellery